Thursday, August 16, 2007

Potty for Potter

This evening I went to get my hair trimmed. That part of the story is quite boring, however, the trip home was a whole new ball game. On the way down our road, we ran into a very thick, cold fog. So thick, in fact, that you couldn't see the lights from houses mere metres away. So what is the first thought that comes into my pathetic Potter-obsessed mind? Yep, you guessed it - DEMENTORS! I honestly, for a split second, sat in fear that my soul would be sucked out through my mouth. Pitiful arn't I? For those of you who have not read J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, and therefore do not get the joke, I highly suggest you get off your arse and go read them right away! They really are a fantastic read, her imagination is incredible. Not just for kids either, as so many assume. Go on, laugh all you want, I'm too pathetic to be embarrassed anyhow!

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