Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Twisted Nostalgia

Finally got some exercise today. I'd forgotten the blissful comfort of trainers compared to the high personal cost of the painful (yet effortlessly chic) stilletto.

As I ran the first hundred metres (before collapsing onto a fence post), I was vividly reminded of 8th grade gym class, during a lesson that suggested we run around the school breathing through a straw to see what it felt like to breathe through smoker's lungs. Of course, after the lesson, we all rolled our eyes then snuck behind the bike shed for a quick fag. Ahh, if only we had listened.

Nevertheless, I gathered myself up and completed my twenty minute run, then spent the following ten minutes doing squats and rolling around on the grass with Sara, my dog.

Phew! Think I'll go shower & get into bed to watch Sense & Sensibility. Mmm.. Colonel Brandon.

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